বাংলাদেশি কোম্পানির জন্য সেরা এইচআর সফটওয়্যার

একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান পরিচালনার সবচেয়ে জটিল ও কষ্টসাধ্য কাজ নিঃসন্দেহে এইচআর ম্যানেজমেন্ট বা কর্মী ব্যবস্থাপনা! তাই আপনি প্রতিষ্ঠান পরিচালনা ও কর্মী ব্যবস্থাপনার পেছনে সময়, শ্রম ও মেধার পাশাপাশি টাকাও ব্যয় করছেন প্রতিনিয়ত। কিন্তু এর মানে এই নয় যে, আপনার এই প্রচেষ্টা প্রতিষ্ঠানের কর্মীদের সেরা ফলাফল বা আউটপুট নিশ্চিত করবেই! তাহলে এই জটিল ও কষ্টসাধ্য কাজের সমাধান কী হতে পারে? দেখুন, প্রতিষ্ঠান পরিচালনার সবচেয়ে জটিল কাজটির সমাধান কি সবসময় কঠিনই হতে হবে? এমনও তো হতে পারে, কাজটি জটিল, কিন্তু সমাধান খুবই সহজ! যেমন- একটি ভালো মানের এইচআর সফটওয়্যার (HR Software) আপনার কোম্পানির কর্মী ব্যবস্থাপনার কাজকে অনেক সহজ করতে পারে। নিশ্চয়ই ভাবছেন, কীভাবে সম্ভব?

It's possible if you can ensure smart management of human resources. Alongside, smart management of your company's growth and goal fulfillment can be a game-changer in employee management! And the responsibility of this crucial task can be easily managed with the best HR management software in the country, "Hazira"! Because Hazira can effortlessly tackle the most complex and challenging tasks of your organization and make them easy and effective!

What's in today's blog:

What is HR Management?

Human Resource Management (HRM), also known as Human Resource Management (HRM) or Human Capital Management, is a comprehensive organizational process that involves the recruitment, training, safety, skill assessment, and productivity evaluation of employees, as well as office administration, according to the decisions of the owner or management.
In simpler terms, Human Resource Management or HR Management refers to the overall organizational process of human capital development and employee management.

What is HR Software?

HR software, or Human Resource Management (HRM) software, is a tool used to digitally or automatically manage human resource management and employee management tasks within an organization. It allows the owner or HR manager of a company to save time, effort, and costs associated with their work.

Where does HR software work within HR management?

Suppose you have a business establishment, or you are involved in managing one. The business establishment could be a micro, small, medium, or large corporate-level business. And as we all roughly know, a significant part of HR management involves employee management or people management. Therefore, HR management becomes much easier when employee management becomes easy.

Seventy percent of the time in business management ends here!

As a business owner or HR manager, you have to deal with the presence of employees/employees, in-out time, remote office, shift management, management of different workstations, leave application, live appr. 

The task of employee management in an organization is as crucial as it is time-consuming and complex! And if these tasks of HR management are still done manually, then seventy percent of your organization's management time ends here! Opportunities for business planning, branding, or working on new ideas also come to an end!

And it is precisely here that HR software makes your employee management easy and proactive. Meaning, HR software plays a significant role in ensuring the well-being of your company's human resources. And as an HR management software, Hajira is capable of serving as a one-stop solution for employee management in your organization!

Why is 'Hazira' the best HR software for small businesses?

In 'Hazira', you will find solutions to all tasks related to employee management and attendance tracking for your business. Wherever you are, employee management or employee management is now at your fingertips, because:

Easy and Reliable Usage:

Hazira is a cloud-based software or application related to HR management. All information about the organization and its employees will be stored in Hazira, so there will be no fear of data loss. The application is designed to be usable on all devices. Therefore, the Hazira HR software can be used seamlessly on desktops, laptops, mobiles, and tablets.

The Hazira app is available separately for Android and iOS versions for mobile devices and a web version for desktops. Additionally, the HR management software is available in both simple Bengali and English. As a result, both general users and corporate users can use this HR software. Anyone can manage their office from anywhere using their mobile device!

Shift Planning Facility in Hazira:

If a business is a bit larger or medium-sized, different station management may be required. Additionally, businesses like chain stores may need to operate different offices. The HR management software can make this task easier.
For this reason, Hazira offers a shift planning facility for small, medium, or large businesses. It is now very easy to plan shifts using the web application of Hazira. Plan employee shifts according to the branch and time of the organization and make shift management more dynamic at a different level!

Employee Attendance Management in Hazira:

Managing employee attendance and in-out management is a daily task of HR management. So, this task needs to be automated and easy. Therefore, using the HR software Hazira, you can manage this task confidently.
Use Hazira to accurately record daily office hours and work hours of employees. The Hazira app's 'In-Out Time Clock' feature includes the convenience of sharing office notices and directions. You can manage all this from your smartphone with confidence!

One-stop service for Leave Management:

It is essential to have accurate leave accounting for employee management. Therefore, efficient management is essential for this small matter.
Hazira ensures flawless and smart leave management through its leave management feature. From general leave, paid or unpaid leave, leave balance, leave application submission, to leave approval, you will get a one-stop service from Hazira! Bid farewell to managing leave applications on paper and come to Hazira. Hazira will save your time and keep you hassle-free by maintaining accurate leave records for your employees!

Employee Report Viewing Facility in Hazira:

The day of struggling for HR managers to create employee reports at the end of the month or year is over! Through the employee report feature of Hazira, you can easily analyze employee participation and work quantity in the organization. These reports help HR management and all related personnel make the correct decisions regarding employees.
Currently, Hazira offers the most exclusive of these four features for business management. You are getting all these features or services on one platform.

"Hazira" is an intuitive and user-friendly HR management software.

From small to medium-sized businesses, Hazira determines its subscription fee based on the needs of all types of organizations. Depending on the size of your company, you can opt for monthly or yearly subscriptions. Hazira offers the most affordable HR software in Bangladesh. With Hazira, you'll get top-notch service at a low cost!
So, entrust the complex and labor-intensive task of employee management to Hazira. Hazira will make your company's employee management more dynamic and help achieve your organization's desired goals. Don't delay, download Hazira for your company today. Because, at a low cost, Hazira is the best solution!

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