Time Management: The Key Principle for Success in Career!

Time management or time allocation is a skill that serves as the cornerstone of success in both our professional and personal lives. Without proper time management skills, your efforts, intellect, and skills can all go to waste! That's why a popular adage still widely used today is, "Time and tide wait for no man!"

If you work in any organization, then your career success depends on your time management skills. And if you are a business owner, then your company's success depends on your time management skills as well as how you manage the time of your employees. Therefore, it can be universally stated that the key mantra to success in a person's life is proper time management.

তাই আমারা আজকে আলোচনা করবো, সময় ব্যবস্থাপনা কী এবং কর্মজীবনে এর গুরুত্ব কতটুকু? পাশাপাশি আমরা কর্মজীবনে টাইম ম্যানেজমেন্ট দক্ষতা বাড়ানোর কিছু অসাধারণ কৌশল সম্পর্কে জানবো, যেগুলোর সঠিক ও সফল প্রয়োগ আপনার জীবন বলদে দেবে! এছাড়া কোনো প্রতিষ্ঠানের এমপ্লয়িদের সময় ব্যবস্থাপনায় মালিক বা এইচআর ম্যানেজারদের করণীয় সম্পর্কেও ধারণা নেবো এই লেখায়।

What's in today's blog:

What is time management?

টাইম ম্যানেজমেন্ট বা সময় ব্যবস্থাপনা হলো, আমাদের প্রতিদিনের প্রতিটি কাজের জন্য সঠিকভাবে সময় ভাগ করে নেয়া এবং সেই পরিকল্পনা অনুযায়ী কাজ সম্পন্ন করার করা। পরবর্তীতে আরও কৌশলি হয়ে কম সময়ে কাজগুলো সম্পাদন করার চেষ্টা করা। একদম সহজ করে বললে, সময়ের কাজ সময়ে করা এবং সময়কে কাজে লাগানোকেই টাইম ম্যানেজমেন্ট বা সময় ব্যবস্থাপনা বলে।

আসলে সময় ব্যবস্থাপনা হলো, আমাদের প্রত্যাহিক জীবনের কিছু অভ্যাস ও গুণের সমষ্টি যেগুলো আমাদের কর্মজীবন ও ব্যক্তিজীবনের কাজের মধ্যে সমন্বয় তৈরি করে। আর এই সমন্বয় আমাদের কর্মজীবন ও ব্যক্তিজীবনকে সমৃদ্ধ ও সফল করে।

So, we need to understand and apply those important habits and qualities of our daily lives to achieve success.

Way of Increasing Time Management Skills in Professional Life

We will now discuss the essential habits of everyday life to enhance time management skills in professional life. We will explore some exceptional techniques that, if correctly and successfully applied, can significantly impact our lives!

Set goals wisely!

Set goals throughout your career or for any specific task today, and calculate them. Because achieving specific and logical goals is easily attainable. So, it's important to be precise when setting goals. For this, a popular method is the SMART method.

S for Specific: The goal must be specific.
M for Measurable: The goal should be easily measurable.
A for Attainable: The goal should be achievable based on your skills.
R for Relevant: Each goal should be relevant to your career.
T for Time-bound: Use time management to accomplish tasks within a set time frame.

Based on importance, create a task list

When creating a daily task list, prioritize the tasks based on importance. Use a method like the Eisenhower Matrix or prioritization technique:
Important and urgent: These tasks are both crucial and require immediate attention. Handle them first.
Important but not urgent: These tasks are significant but don't need immediate action. Schedule them for later.
Urgent but not important: These tasks seem pressing but don't contribute significantly to your goals. If possible, delegate or defer them.
Not urgent and not important: These tasks are neither critical nor time-sensitive. Avoid spending time on them as they don't contribute to effective time management. Remember, not everything needs to be done, and not everything that can be done is necessary.

Prepare the daily task list the night before

Write it down on your mobile notepad, a notebook, or a piece of paper. Start your day by reviewing the list and end your day by checking it again. Reflect on which tasks remain and why. This practice will enhance your time management skills gradually.

Track your time to improve time management skills

Begin timing your tasks from start to finish. Monitor how much time each task takes. If it's taking longer than expected, try to understand why. Also, strive to accomplish tasks in less time. Digital tools are available for this purpose and can aid in successful implementation.

Avoid procrastination

Putting off tasks until later can become a habit detrimental to productivity and overall well-being. Recognize that procrastination is your biggest enemy in time management. Instead of delaying tasks, prioritize completing them before taking breaks. Remember, everything is not achievable, and not everything that can be done is necessary.

Take short breaks between tasks

Working continuously can be tiresome and damaging to your work life. Take short breaks during tasks, such as a 5-10 minute break for every hour of work. For longer tasks, take breaks of 20-30 minutes. Walk around, have tea or coffee, or drink water. This will increase your productivity and keep you physically healthy, ultimately enhancing your time management skills.

Keep distractions away.

Unless absolutely necessary, avoid keeping your mobile phone within reach while working. Even if you do, keep it on silent mode. Avoid logging into social media during work. These distractions can disrupt your time management efforts. Unknowingly, you may find yourself busy with unnecessary tasks. Social media is currently one of the biggest adversaries to time management in the workplace.
Stay focused and avoid deep thinking about irrelevant tasks/things. Keep yourself away from deep thinking about irrelevant matters. Maintain a work-friendly environment at the office and ensure that the management ensures the same.

To improve employees' time management skills, the owner/HR manager will do:

If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or HR manager, you need to focus on improving your employees' time management skills within your organization. By using HR software, you can easily accomplish this task.In this scenario, you need to explore smart solutions for employee management. HR management software solutions Hazira have already been introduced in Bangladesh to provide one-stop solutions for employee management. As an owner or HR manager, to improve time management skill of your employees in Hazira you will have

  • Daily Staff Attendance Record.
  • In-out time record convenience.
  • Remote office management convenience.
  • Shift management convenience.
  • Different workstation management convenience.
  • Leave management convenience.
  • Employee reports viewing convenience.
একটি অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে কর্মী ব্যবস্থাপানাকে সহজ করতে আজই ফ্রিতে ডাউনলোড করুন – হাজিরা (অ্যান্ড্রয়েড)। চাইলে হাজিরা’র আইওএস অ্যাপ ডাউনলোড করতে পারেন।

What will time management skills give you?

In professional life, through proper time management, we can achieve some unique and valuable things that make our lives easier and more beautiful. For example:

  • We can enhance our professional efficiency.
  • We can reduce professional and mental stress, making our personal lives more beautiful.
  • We can maintain a balance between professional and personal life.
  • We can create new opportunities in our professional life.
  • We can achieve continuous success and growth in our professional life.
  • And successful professional life leads to a happy and prosperous life!

In this way, in both our professional and personal lives, we need to focus on achieving small missions and specific visions or goals through proper time management.

Life's achievements seem incomplete without time management!

In our professional lives or at the office, there is always a rush to finish tasks according to deadlines. And in our personal lives, there is a desire to achieve prosperity within the right time frame through the success of our professional lives. So, it is evident that completing a task or achieving something in life is not the end goal! You must accomplish those tasks or achievements within the right time frame. Otherwise, those achievements may turn into disappointment! Because achieving something out of time will not bring you complete satisfaction. That's why there is an ancient proverb that says,
"A stitch in time saves nine."

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